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Customer conduct policy

Our organisation is committed to ensuring that our staff work in an environment free from disrespectful behaviour, harassment, bullying, and discrimination from clients, customers, suppliers, partners, contractors or any external parties. We expect our staff to adhere to the same standards of respect and professionalism that we uphold within our organisation.

Core Principles

  1. Dignity and Respect:
    • All interactions between clients, suppliers, contractors or any external parties and staff shall be conducted with dignity and respect.
    • Any form of harassment, discrimination, or bullying by clients, suppliers, customers, partners, contractors or any external parties towards staff is strictly prohibited.
  2. Professional Conduct:
    • Clients, customers, partners, suppliers, contractors or any external parties are expected to engage with our staff professionally and courteously.
    • Any disrespectful, offensive, or inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated.
  3. Equal Treatment:
    • Our staff shall be treated equally and fairly by all clients, customers, partners, suppliers and contractors or any external parties without discrimination based on race, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion, or any other protected characteristic.
  4. Safe Environment:
    • We are committed to providing a safe and supportive work environment for our staff.
    • Any threats, violence, or abusive behaviour from clients, customers, partners, suppliers, contractors or any external parties will be addressed promptly and appropriately.


  • Management:
    • Ensure that all clients, customers, partners, suppliers, contractors or any external parties are aware of and understand this policy.
    • Take immediate and appropriate action in response to any reported incidents of disrespectful behaviour by clients, customers, partners, suppliers, contractors or any external parties.
    • Provide support to staff who experience disrespectful behaviour from clients, customers, partners, suppliers, contractors or any external parties.
  • Staff:
    • Report any instances of disrespectful behaviour by clients, customers, partners, suppliers, contractors or any external parties to their immediate supervisor or HR.
    • Document incidents of disrespectful behaviour to support investigations and resolutions.
  • Clients:
    • Treat all staff with respect and professionalism.
    • Comply with this policy and cooperate with any investigations related to disrespectful behaviour.

Policy Implementation

  • Our experienced staff are skilled in handling interactions with upset clients, customers, partners, suppliers, contractors or any external parties allowing them the opportunity to voice concerns about our company’s processes and operations. However, if conversations become abusive or personally targeted at our staff, such behaviour is deemed unacceptable.
  • In line with our Customer Conduct Policy, our staff will tactfully and firmly request customers to refrain from using offensive language or engaging in inappropriate behaviours.

Reporting and Resolution

  • Staff are encouraged to report any disrespectful behaviour by clients, customers, partners, suppliers, contractors or any external parties to their immediate supervisor, HR, or through designated reporting channels.
  • All reports will be treated seriously and investigated promptly and confidentially.
  • Appropriate actions will be taken to address any confirmed incidents, which may include:
    • Issuing warnings to clients, customers, suppliers, partners, contractors or any external parties.
    • Terminating business relationships with clients, customers, suppliers, partners, contractors or any external parties who repeatedly violate this policy.
    • Providing support and resources to affected staff.
    • Take legal steps in serious matters.