Thank you for your interest in working with Language Interpreters.
Linguists Working As Freelancers
We offer a wide range of language services to the legal, medical, public, and private sectors.
We are constantly looking for professional linguists based in the United Kingdom to join our team.
We are looking for dedicated, qualified/experienced interpreters / translators in and around London
and throughout the UK.
According to the Legal Aid Agency's guidelines, you must have one or more qualifications for legal
interpreting(Community Interpreting Levels 1-6, DPSI, Diploma in Police Interpreting, UK Border
Agency Certificate or IND) (Home Office).
You must have one or more of the above qualifications or a basic or minimum qualification of a
language related degree or diploma, NRPSI, to work in the medical, public, or private sectors.
We will not be able to consider your application if you do not have interpreting qualifications.
Additional Requirements

Outstanding communication, interpersonal, and language skills.
You must be able to provide proof that you are legally permitted to work in the United Kingdom.